Product Description
Lonsdor K518ISE includes one year of free software updates.After the initial year expires, you may purchase an additional year of update subscription.Updating your tool coverage is fast and easy and the Update Subscription will keep your tool running and provide you unlimited access to the latest software and functionality for a full year.
Lonsdor K518ISE Second Time Subscription of 1 Year Full Update
This is
second time update service for Lonsdor K518ISE,no need shipping.
Only for K518ISE,not for K518USA,K518RUA,K518POL....,please check and conform before order.
When you make a order,please send serial number(PSN) to
Online Service,No Need Shipping.Once updated,you can't cancel to get refund.
Lonsdor Update Policy:
Lonsdor Menus are divided into two parts: free menus and subscribed menus.
1.Free menus are free for lifetime.
2.Subscribed menus can be used for free for 365 days. You need to pay for them after the trial period. After the trial period, subscribed menus will not work properly if you don't pay. And the menus will disappear after updating the device.
Lonsdor K518ISE First Time Subscription of 1 Year Full Update (480USD)
Lonsdor K518ISE Second Time Subscription of 1 Year Full Update (360USD)
Lonsdor K518ISE Third Time Subscription of 1 Year Full Update (200USD)
How to check whether your device get update package or not?
First of all,please check click one key update/check for updates on device(Very important step!!!)
Then click setting,find paid function,you will see the final update time on device.
Scan Lonsdork518,com QR Code to Order Anywhere and Anytime by Mobile Phone
Contact information:
Skype: sales_95193
Whatsapp: +8619947586579